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Peak Comparing

After completing the peak calling pipeline for both your reference dataset and your comparison dataset, you can now compare regions between the two. The purpose of this script is to generate a metric that aims to tell the user how likely that a comparable peak in the comparison dataset exists (given a peak exists in the reference dataset). Details on how to interpret the output metric can be found here.


Before running this script, it is assumed you have ran the peak calling pipeline for both of your datasets. After accomplishing this, identify a peak (or selection of close by peaks) in the reference dataset (noting down the chromosome, start and end base positions). Feed this information into the configuration file example_config_compare.txt. This configuration file asks for a few different parameters, head over to [this section] to understand what these parameters mean and how they are used.

After filling out the configuration file, submit the job to a SLURM queue with

sbatch -p queue .../ path/to/config_file.txt

Ignoring this script

This script is only given to provide a means for the user to submit the job into a SLURM queue. You could alternatively just run the underlying python script yourself. To do this, activate the conda environment with:

conda activate PeakCompare-MACS

Then run the python script called which can be found in the Python_Scripts directory of this repository. There are quite a few arguments that this script requires due to the multitude of files it needs to read in (another reason behind the wrapper script). For this reason, you may decide to create your own wrapper script that achieves your own goals (perhaps you want to look at multiple regions in the genome simultaneously).


To save time on reading in files, the wrapper script uses grep to pull out the chromosome of interest before passing them to If you plan on running the python script interactively (or you are writing your own wrapper script), consider implementing this as well.

How the metric is calculated

The metric is a simple ratio of the number of bases in psuedopeaks in the comparison and the number of bases in peaks in the reference dataset. Pseudopeaks is a term that describes regions in your comparison set that are 'almost' peaks when compared to the reference dataset. A more formal definition is given here.

As alluded to in cutoff analysis, cutoffs are tricky little things. No matter what cutoff you choose, you will almost always be classing some regions as peaks because they only just exceed the cutoff (and classing some regions not as peaks for the opposite reason). This is problematic when comparing two datasets. How can we determine if a peak is truly absent in the comparison dataset when there is a possibility that a single extra read in the region could tip the balance?

The solution given with this tool is to look at the confidence intervals for each p-value instead of looking at whether they hit certain thresholds. If the confidence intervals for each dataset overlap, it suggests that (under the chosen significance) the true value could be shared by each dataset at this point. Considering these intervals is both more lax and strict than simply using a single threshold value. If the region in the reference dataset is a very significant peak (very low p-value), then this method required the same region in the comparison dataset to have similarly small p-values to be considered as a pseudopeak.

Comparing confidence intervals is useful, but comes with a drawback in this particular case of using MACS to determine peaks. As mentioned in this section, some peaks may have a very high p-value (not significant), and yet be called a peak due to the merging process. This is why both files are required by this python script and allows us to now formally state what defines a psuedopeak.

Pseudopeak definition

Defn: A base position is defined to be in a pseudopeak region if it satisfies either of these criteria:

(i) The base position is within a peak region in the unmerged reference dataset peaks, and the confidence interval in the comparison dataset overlaps or exceeds the reference dataset's confidence interval (for this base position).

(ii) The base position surpasses the cutoff threshold in the comparison dataset and is only within a peak region in the merged reference dataset peaks (not present in the unmerged peaks).

Confidence interval calculation

It should be noted first that p-values from MACS are calculated using the Poisson distribution (as pileup counts generally follow this distribution). Now, the confidence interval calculation is carried out in two steps:

1) A confidence interval is calculated for each position in the bias track. This requires the following steps: - The local variance (see window size) for the bias track is calculated. - The local standard error is calculated. - The confidence interval is found by using \(\hat\lambda = \lambda \pm z_\alpha \cdot std\_err\). Where \(z_\alpha\) is the critical value for the given significance. 2) A confidence interval for the p-value is calculated for each position using the Poisson distribution with arguments: - The \(\hat\lambda\) confidence interval calculated in 1) - The number of reads in that position seen in the coverage (pileup) track


The underlying python script requires a few parameters that can be specified in the configuration file. These are:


This is the cutoff that was used with the reference dataset when peak calling. If you didn't set this value yourself (or simply forgot), you can find out what cutoff value was used by looking at the log file for the job you submitted. This should look like:

       │ File: 01-Jan~00-12345678.log
   1   │ Using a cutoff value of 5.


This is the significance used when calculating the confidence intervals described here. Picking a value that is smaller will result in tighter confidence intervals and therefore results in stricter criteria for psuedopeaks. There is no recommended value here, just be aware that confidence intervals are being compared against each other (so a significance of 95% is more like 90%).

Window size

In calculating the confidence intervals used to determine pseudopeaks, a window is used to calculate local variance in the bias track. A suitable value for the window size will be between a quarter and half of the fragment length for each dataset. It should be noted that a smaller window size will result in the variance calculated being more localised. However, this comes with the caveat that less variance can be observed (consider the case when window size is 0). A careful balance should be chosen here.


You may wish to discount peak regions in the reference dataset that are a result of the merging process entirely when calculating the metric. To do this you can specify UNMERGED=1 in the configuration file (or use --unmerged if using the python script). This will mean that the metric will only look at the ratio of psuedopeaks (in the comparison dataset) with the unmerged peaks (in the reference dataset). All peaks that are a result of merging will be ignored.


Running this script is fast (a couple of seconds). The main slowdown comes with reading in files. This is why grep is utilised in the provided wrapper script. The complexity of your data can also increase read times as bedgraph files (output of most MACS commands) can massively vary in size due to this factor. The bedgraph file at minimum can be 23 lines long (one for each chromosome) up to ~2,700,000,000 lines long (one for each base pair).